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September is Emergency Preparedness Month—perfect timing for the 2017 Emergency Preparedness Expo in Mat-Su Valley. Cosponsored by AARP Alaska, the free expo is Saturday, Sept. 30, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Menard Sports Center, 1001 S. Clapp St., Wasilla.
AARP members can hit a home run just by making reservations for AARP Day at the Ballpark on Saturday, July 1, when the Mat-Su Miners take on the Anchorage All Stars. All AARP members who register in advance can reserve up to four free seats for themselves and their family members and friends.
About 85,000 Alaskans provide unpaid services worth about $1.2 billion a year to help a family member or friend age in place rather than move into a nursing home.
The popular Sitka Arts & Science Festival, which features weeklong workshops for people interested in creative arts and nature, offers discount registration fees to AARP members.
Alaska End of Session Wrap-Up 2016
AARP members are invited to join the AARP Tuesday 9-Hole Golf League at the Anchorage Golf Course.
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