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Food grown in Alaska has its own special flavor, from sweet corn that needs to be transplanted to tomatoes that grow only indoors and zucchini grown in high tunnels. The Mat-Su Valley is one of the state’s most productive agricultural areas, and a tour of working farms showcases techniques unique to Alaska.
AARP Alaska is sponsoring AARP Day at the Ballpark on Thursday, June 28, when the Mat-Su Miners meet the Peninsula Oilers. Admission is free for AARP members and their guests.
AARP Foundation Draws Attention to Social Isolation and Offers Resources at Connect2Affect
by Susan Reinhard, Jean Accius, Lynda Flowers and Ari Houser
AARP members can hit a home run just by making reservations for AARP Day at the Ballpark on Saturday, July 1, when the Mat-Su Miners take on the Anchorage All Stars. All AARP members who register in advance can reserve up to four free seats for themselves and their family members and friends.
Discrimination can lead to financial insecurity and isolation for many LGBT older adults.
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