AARP Eye Center

What will you pass down as part of your family legacy?
When you tell your “grandbabies” a bedtime story, you may be sharing fairy tales, but are you also passing along the real stories of the folks who created the foundation for where we are today? In honor of Black History Month, AARP California is encouraging you to pass on your stories, your knowledge and your love as part of our month-long focus on family legacy.
Whether you live in a multigenerational household, participate in regular FaceTime calls, or serve as an honorary figure in a special child’s life, there’s a special relationship that exists between you and your grandbabies. We want to hear all about these special bonds! Throughout the month we will be encouraging you to share photos, stories and words of wisdom.
You can also expect to read conversations with Californians about family legacy as well as tips and resources in order to help you “Pass it On.”