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Español AARP strongly supports the Paid Family Leave program because family caregivers who work shouldn’t have to choose between caring for a loved one and making a living.
AARP in San Jose is ready to help you take on May with local offerings, resources and more. We hope you will join us at one or all of the following events!
AARP in San Diego is ready to help you take on May with local offerings, resources and more. We hope you will join us at one or all of the following events!
Wildfires are a fact of life in California, but we’ve never seen anything like the devastation of the past two years. Millions of Californians have been affected, from breathing unhealthy air to losing their homes, and even losing loved ones. These fires have brought unprecedented sorrow and hardship to Californians of all ages -- but particularly to older Californians, who sadly represent a large portion of the fatalities caused by these fires.
Las fiestas de fin de año son tiempo de diversión en familia, pero estos días también pueden ocasionar estrés en las personas que cuidan de un ser querido. Según una encuesta (en inglés) de AARP, 7 de cada 10 cuidadores familiares dijeron que el cuidado de un ser querido durante esta época es una carga emocional.
West Sacramento has a new ride-share program, and more older adults could be using it for a pathway to mobile, independent lives without getting behind the wheel.
Casi siete millones de latinos en Estados Unidos cuidan de un ser querido anciano o mayor sin remuneración. Muchos latinos que cuidan de un ser querido ven sus responsabilidades de cuido como algo normal entre familiares y no buscan ayuda externa. Es por eso que AARP ha organizado un banco telefónico en asociación con Univisión en los Ángeles para que puedas solicitar la Guía Cuidando a los Nuestros, así como la Guía de Recursos Locales de Los Ángeles.
¿Cuidas de un amigo, familiar o algún otro ser querido? No estás solo.
Español [See links b elow to download a print a FREE ‘wallet card’ and place them in your and your loved one’s wallets. That way, you’ll both have the important information about this new law available when you need it most.]
AARP strongly supports the Paid Family Leave and Paid Sick Leave programs because family caregivers who work shouldn’t have to choose between caring for a loved one and making a living.
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