AARP Eye Center

AARP’s unwavering commitment to the LGBT community reflects our core belief in the dignity, worth, and potential of every individual. That’s why we are proud to announce these weekly virtual events to celebrate PRIDE month by connecting you to information, inspiration, and conversation. Please join us for one or all of the following FREE events:
Wednesday June 1, 2pm: Prepare to Care -- A discussion about how to prepare to provide care to a loved one, with a special emphasis on LGBT. REGISTER:
Wednesday June 8, 2pm: The Joys and Challenges of Gender Diversity Experienced by People Ages 50+: A Moderated Discussion. REGISTER:
Wednesday June 15, 2pm: StoryCorps OutLoud -- AARP California and StoryCorps will host an interaction session to listen and celebrate stories from StoryCorps OutLoud, an initiative dedicated to documenting and preserving stories from the LGBTQ+ community. REGISTER:
Wednesday June 22, 2pm: LGBTQ+ Elders Look Back with Pride -- Join AARP and the Outword Archive for a riveting conversation as LGBTQ+ elders look back with pride and forward with renewed determination to ensure that our community’s progress is not reversed, and that the general tide of acceptance and celebration of LGBTQ+ people across the America continues to spread. REGISTER:
Wednesday June 29, 2pm: Cured: Documentary and Panel Discussion -- Doctors called them sick. The remedy was rebellion. Join AARP for a virtual screening and discussion of CURED documentary and a panel conversation with the director and producers of the film and Rev. Magora Kennedy. REGISTER: