AARP Eye Center

AARP California is proud to present Lisa Oakley with the 2018 AARP Andrus Award for Community Service. This is the association's most prestigious volunteer award that recognizes outstanding individuals who are sharing their experience, talents and skills to enrich the lives of others.
Lisa Oakley, from Saratoga, California, truly embodies AARP’s vision and mission.
AARP California selected Lisa Oakley for her remarkable service and for the impact she has had on the lives of others and on her community. Oakley founded and chairs the Saratoga Age-Friendly Commission (SAFC), which works to make the community more friendly for people of all ages and abilities. In this role, Oakley has helped secure a grant to conduct a city-wide senior livability survey of nearly 2,000 residents over the age of 60 – the results of which were used to develop a comprehensive action plan based on the 8 domains of livability.

Through her work, Oakley has enriched her community. She helped launch the transportation program Reach Your Destination Easily (R.Y.D.E), which increases mobility options for people ages 55+ so they may access their community safely and affordably through the use of paid and volunteer drivers. Oakley is also the President of the Saratoga Area Senior Coordinating Council and is a member of the Foothill Club – the longest standing women's service group in Saratoga.
Oakley’s actions have inspired others to volunteer. She has recruited a diverse group of volunteers to serve on the Saratoga Age-Friendly Commission, on taskforces and committees, and volunteer for the R.Y.D.E program.
Lisa Oakley is a living embodiment of the AARP mission statement, empowering people to choose how they live as they age – AARP California is honored to present her with the 2018 Andrus Award.