AARP Eye Center

Most houses and apartments are designed for young, able-bodied adults and don’t meet the needs of older adults or people with disabilities. The free AARP HomeFit Guide presents the types of changes that can improve the safety and suitability of a home for older adults — and people of all ages.
Download or order the AARP HomeFit Guide
(available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese) HERE.
In addition, AARP California partnered with the RL Mace Universal Design Institute to produce a video series that describes how a home can be modified or renovated to support changing needs and lifestyles! Watch the first three videos of the series below and determine which modifications are important for maintaining the lifestyle you desire. You'll learn about simple do-it-yourself modifications to those that are best left to the professionals.
1) Quick Overview: An introduction to the AARP HomeFit Guide and the video series
`2) Entry Way: Learn how to make your home entrance more age-friendly
3) Bathroom: Learn how to make your bathroom more age-friendly
4) Kitchen: Learn how to make your kitchen more age-friendly
5) Technology to help make your home more livable