AARP Eye Center

Join AARP Colorado for the 37th Annual Starz Denver Film Festival.*
AARP members are entitled to receive $3 off a regular, or matinée, screening during the 37th Stars Denver Film Festival, which runs from Nov. 12-23, 2014 at the Sie FilmCenter, 2510 E. Colfax Ave., Denver Pavilions, 500 16th St., and Buell Theatre, 1031 13th St. All venues are located in Denver.
To receive the discount, go to and create a Customer Profile. Select your desired screening by clicking on the orange showtime button. Select the quantity of tickets at the non-member level. Add to cart. Select Check Out and enter billing information. On the Check Out page, you will see the Promotion Code box. Enter Silver37 into the Promo Code field. The subtotal will change to member pricing. Click Submit Order to complete your order.
Or you may go to the Box Office locations in-person to redeem the codes with your AARP membership card. Box offices are located at the Sie FilmCenter and the Denver Pavilions.
*This is not an AARP event. Any information you provide to the host organization will be governed by its privacy policy.