AARP Eye Center

Colorado’s 65+ population will increase by 123 percent between 2010 and 2030. Meanwhile, services for older Coloradans remain sorely underfunded.
In light of staggering older population growth and funding inadequate to meet future needs, AARP alerted members of the Colorado legislature about its 2015 legislative agenda.
Caregiving and keeping older adults in their homes and independent top the list of AARP priorities.
“We are excited to work with Rep. Steve Lebsock and Sen. Larry Crowder on legislation to increase the Older Coloradans Act funding by $4 million dollars,” said Morie Smile, AARP Colorado state director. “This money will empower Colorado families with services like Meals on Wheels. We also support Rep. Dianne Primavera and Sen. Crowder’s Strategic Planning Group on Aging in Colorado.”
The strategic plan will study the unprecedented demands being placed on public and private systems that serve Colorado's seniors and their families. AARP also supports initiatives that give nurses increased ability to serve patients in underserved communities.
In addition, the Office of Consumer Counsel is up for sunset review. AARP supports the OCC’s work and efforts to give it more autonomy to represent consumers in front of the Colorado Legislature.
AARP will support efforts to increase the number of working Coloradans enrolled in retirement plans and will oppose any proposed legislation that would threaten the Public Employees Retirement Association’s (PERA) solvency.
AARP advocates on behalf of its 650,000 Colorado members, as well as all older adults and their families, and will continue to monitor, and engage as appropriate, legislation that impacts the state’s health insurance exchange or other health-related bills, as over half of its Colorado members are not Medicare eligible and may rely on the exchange for affordable health coverage.