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AARP AARP States Colorado

AARP never endorses or gives money to candidates. Ever.


With the nation focused on the up-coming elections, we are often asked what role AARP plays. It’s simple: We work to make sure that your voice is heard and that your vote counts.

AARP doesn’t endorse or give money to political candidates, parties or campaigns. We do not work with candidates or campaigns to use our name in ads or other campaign efforts. Ever. When AARP’s name is misused by a campaign, we ask that they take it down. Our non-partisan status matters to us and to our members, especially in this day and age, and has been verified by numerous independent fact checkers.

AARP is focused on making sure that every candidate from both parties is aware of the issues that matter to you – including protecting Social Security and Medicare, lowering the price of prescription drugs, and helping ensure health and financial security for you and your family.  We do this work by sponsoring debates and candidate forums and offering information on major races. We also want to ensure that you have the resources you need to vote safely, whether from home or in person.

Advocating for you and for all Americans age 50-plus has been at the core of AARP’s mission since our founding in 1958. It's a big part of what we do every day from our headquarters in Washington, D.C., and from our offices in all 53 states and territories.

AARP has been and will always be a fierce defender of you and the issues that directly impact Americans 50-plus. To learn more about our work on your behalf, visit our “About Us” page or follow @AARP and @AARPadvocates on social media.

What the Fact Checkers Say:



  • Fact check: AARP maintains nonpartisan stance, makes no political donations. AARP does not donate to the Democratic Party, or any political party for that matter…. AARP maintains a nonpartisan stance, which is also required by law…. AARP does not have a PAC or make any political donations…. Continue reading USA Today’s Aug. 29, 2020, post.

Lead Stories:

  • Did the AARP spend millions of dollars on TV ads against Republicans? No, that's not true: The AARP is a federally approved non-profit organization that is legally prohibited from being involved in any political campaign in favor or against any candidate. Continue reading the Sep. 15, 2020 fact-check.
  • Does a portion of what people pay AARP… go to the Democratic Party? No, that's not true: The AARP is forbidden by federal tax law, as a non-profit group, from making political contributions. The senior citizen advocacy organization does not have a political action committee. Continue reading the Aug. 18, 2020 ruling.

Check Your Fact:

  • The organization has explicitly stated that it does not endorse political candidates or donate to political campaigns. Although AARP — formerly known as the American Association for Retired Persons — does not endorse candidates, the organization does [provide] information related to politics on its website… that includes polling data, policy analysis and voter registration guides. Continue reading Oct. 12, 2020 post.
About AARP Colorado
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