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AARP AARP States Colorado

AARP Sponsors Indigenous Fest


Join AARP Colorado for the Indigenous Film & Arts Festival on June 10, 2015 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Denver Musuem of Nature & Science, 2001 Colorado Blvd. in Denver. The film is open to the public, but a $5 donation is suggested.

Sponsored by AARP, the program will feature:

Allan Houser/Haozous: The Lifetime Work of an American Master , Director Phil Lucas (Choctaw). Allan Houser drew masterfully, painted beautifully, and brought stone powerfully to life. The spirit of Houser’s Warm Spring Chiricahua Apache heritage is the source of his imagery: his father’s stories, his own early memories of women’s shawls and skirts around the bonfire of the Apache Mountain Spirit dance, the bitterly won taste of his tribe’s freedom after a generation of forced relocation and imprisonment. Allan Houser was a world-class artist whose name continues to grow in stature and respect. His story, told through the lens of world-renowned director Phil Lucas, is a celebration of the creative genius of both artists.

For more information, visit and Facebook/Indigenous Film & Arts Festival or email:


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