AARP Eye Center

AARP Colorado is taking to the airwaves through Telemundo to alert Latinos that many of them may qualify for rental payment assistance.
From now until the end of the year, Telemundo will highlight rental assistance information for people struggling to pay their rent due to work shortages from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, among other economic issues.
"The money is still available, but the most important thing people must know is that they have to finish the application process to be considered," said Jeff Martinez, president and CEO of Brother's Redevelopment, Inc., one of several organizations helping renters apply for the assistance.
Through the Colorado Emergency Rental Assistance Program, residents who have been unable to pay rent due to financial hardship caused directly or indirectly by COVID-19 may be eligible for rental assistance. The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) assists eligible households with:
- Up to 15 months of assistance for current and/or overdue rent payments
- Relocation assistance, including security deposit and rent
DO YOU QUALIFY? Your household may qualify if at least one individual: - Is eligible for unemployment, has experienced a reduction in household income, or has incurred major costs or financial struggles due directly or indirectly to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Is at risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability.
- Your household falls below the following income limits:
1 Person | 2 People | 3 People | 4 People | 5 People | 6 People |
$55,950 | $63,950 | $71, 950 | $79,900 | $86,300 | $92,700 |
Immigration status is not a requirement for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program and emergency rental assistance is not weighed in a public charge determination. Landlord/Property Owner participation is not required in order for a tenant to receive assistance. Apply Online* Denver Residents Apply Online* or call 1-844-926-6632 Rent and utility assistance for Denver residents.* If you are in need of eviction legal assistance, visit this City of Denver web page and scroll down to "Resources for Denver Residents Facing Foreclosure & Eviction". * Aurora Residents Apply Online* More information for Aurora residents in English or Spanish.* Colorado Springs Residents Apply Online* Weld County Residents Apply Online* Here's more help: Apply or get questions answered at Colorado’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program at Call or text 1-888-480-0066 on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., or Saturdays between 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Local governments offering ERAP:
Adams County•Arapahoe County• Aurora• Boulder County• Colorado Springs• Denver | • Douglas County• El Paso County• Jefferson County• Larimer County• Weld County |
En Español ¿TIENE DIFICULTADES PARA PAGAR EL ALQUILER? Usted no está solo y no es su culpa. Debido al COVID-19, muchas personas necesitan un poco de ayuda. Estamos aquí para ayudarle a obtener la asistencia que merece. El Programa de Asistencia de Emergencia para el Pago de Alquiler (ERAP, por sus siglas en inglés) ayuda a los hogares que cumplen los requisitos con:
- hasta 15 meses de asistencia para pagos de alquiler actuales y/o atrasados
- asistencia de reubicación, incluyendo depósito de garantía y alquiler
¿CALIFICA? Su hogar califica si al menos una persona:
- cumple con los requisitos para recibir beneficios de desempleo, ha sufrido una reducción de los ingresos del hogar o ha incurrido en costos considerables o dificultades financieras de manera directa o indirecta debido a la pandemia del COVID-19;
- está en riesgo de quedarse sin hogar o de inestabilidad de la vivienda;
- su hogar gana menos de los siguientes límites de ingresos:
1 persona | 2 personas | 3 personas | 4 personas | 5 personas | 6 personas |
$55,950 | $63,950 | $71, 950 | $79,900 | $86,300 | $92,700 |
NO es necesario tener participación del arrendador para recibir asistencia y no se preguntará sobre su estado migratorio. Los hogares con voucher de vivienda pueden recibir asistencia para su parte del alquiler. En Denver Aplique Aqui* En Aurora Aplique Aqui* En Colorado Springs Aplique Aqui* En Weld County Aplique Aqui* Aquí hay más ayuda: Solicite u obtenga respuestas a sus preguntas en el Programa de Asistencia de Emergencia para Alquiler de Colorado (ERAP) en Llame o envíe un mensaje de texto al 1-888-480-0066 de lunes a viernes de 8:30 am 5:30 pm, o los sábados entre las 8: 30 am a 12:30 pm. Gobiernos locales que ofrecen ERAP:
• Adams County•Arapahoe County• Aurora• Boulder County• Colorado Springs• Denver | • Douglas County• El Paso County• Jefferson County• Larimer County• Weld County |
*This is not an AARP website. Any information you provide to the host organization will be governed by its privacy policy.