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AARP AARP States Colorado

AARP welcomes new blogger A.J. White

AJ-Wise Woman

Now is a great time to be a woman. As mature women, we are becoming aware of our power and wisdom, which is based on our life experiences and knowledge. Like seeds in the garden, we are waking up and bursting forth with wisdom to create a new world.

This new-found passion and power are the keys to rethinking our lives, including our relationships, how we work and what we want out of life.

These things and more will be the centerpieces of the information and inspiration I have the opportunity to share with you.

I will blog information on wellness, aging successfully, life, love, vulnerabilities and wisdom especially for Baby Boomer women. I coined the phrase The Bloomers. We are The Bloomers. We can talk about your wisdom and life knowledge. Join in. You can share and comment on your experiences. This is your forum for discussions on your life. This blog is for you. I am looking forward to e-meeting you as we share our stories.

I have been a nurse consultant on wellness and healthcare usage and now find myself a woman of a “certain age.” I have worked in many different nursing roles—from intensive care nursing, occupational health, business development and wellness. Now my passion is successful aging, with a focus on the post-menopausal woman. I have written an award-winning book on this topic. It is a book about empowerment and aging successfully written especially for women over age 50. I want to share thoughts for women on aging well.

I’m looking forward to this journey with you. Please comment and share your thoughts.


- A.J. White is a registered nurse and is completing a nursing. She can be reached at, or you can visit her website: www.  

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