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Older Workers Need Jobs, Too

Did you know that more than 3 million workers age 50-plus are looking for full-time employment?


These are staggering numbers especially when you think about each one of those 3 million workers as the people; they are mothers, fathers, bread winners, veterans, daughters, etc…, not just the statistics they represent.

They have worked hard their whole lives and are not ready to stop working, and, in fact, are eager to get back into the workforce. With these faces in mind, AARP Foundation is working to help win them back opportunity and has launched Back to Work 50+. Through this innovative program Back to Work 50+ is connecting employers and training providers with unemployed or underemployed workers age 50 and over to create a pipeline of trained, prescreened, qualified workers available for employment in the local community.

Even in this tough economy, employers in growth industries such as health care sometimes struggle to find qualified applicants to fill job vacancies. American industry increasingly needs workers with higher skill levels and credentials, yet the number of workers with two-year degrees and vocational certificates continues to fall short of predicted needs. Mature workers bring assets to the workplace that employers need, such as a strong work ethic, reliability, good judgment, and strong interpersonal and communication skills. A multigenerational workforce brings value to employers and employees alike.

We are launching a sector-focused, employer-driven collaboration. By bringing together employers and other stakeholders, we can focus on workforce needs in a specific industry and build a plan that prepares job candidates for specific high-demand jobs.

By registering with the Back to Work 50+ call center, job candidates age 50-plus are able to:

  • Call a toll-free number to register for a local health care information session and receive a listing of local job search services in their market
  • Attend a Health Care Opportunities Information Session to obtain information on local jobs, training requirements and employer expectations
  • Join the BACK TO WORK 50+ Coaching Program for job search coaching and guidance on applying for necessary job training
  • Access special hiring events after completing the Coaching Program.

Contact BACK TO WORK 50+

Call toll free: 855-850.2525

Call center hours: 6 a.m. - 8 p.m.

[Photo courtesy of Flickr,]

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