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AARP AARP States Colorado Advocacy

Become an Election Judge


AARP is encouraging voters to consider working as election judges in Denver, Pueblo, Larimer and Mesa counties, as well as other counties across the state.

According to the Secretary of State Office, Election Day poll workers must meet the following criteria to be election judges:

  • Registered electors who reside in the political subdivision, unless otherwise excepted, and are willing to serve – knowing that Election Day runs from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.;
  • Be U.S. citizens by the date of the election at which they are scheduled to work;
  • Be physically and mentally able to perform the duties of an Election Judge;
  • Attend a mandatory Election Judge class prior to each election at which they work;
  • Never been convicted of election fraud, any other election offense, or fraud; and
  • Neither a candidate whose name appears on the ballot in the precinct that they are appointed to serve nor a member of the immediate family, related by blood or marriage to the second degree, of a candidate whose name appears on the ballot in the precinct that they are appointed to serve.
  • Get involved and assist voters on Election Day. (Stipends vary by county).

Continue reading below for polling opportunities in Denver, Pueblo, Larimer, and Mesa Counties. If you don’t live in one of these four counties, contact your  county elections official for more information.


The Denver Elections Division is looking for registered voters in the City and County of Denver to serve various temporary election judge assignments for the 2014 election cycle. Denver residents must:

  • Pass a Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) background check.
  • Complete the on-boarding (paperwork, orientation and training) process
  • Be able to work all assigned dates and hours.
  • Election judges are paid at various rates, depending on assignment.
  • Current assignment pay rates are not based on election judge's previous assignment(s).


Pueblo is not actively seeking election judges, but the county encourages interested residents to visit the website, or call 719-583-6620 for more information.


Larimer County is encouraging residents to check out the county’s website for more information,


Mesa County is not seeking election judges, but if residents are interested, they may call 970-244-1662 for more information.

[Photo by JLujan]

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