AARP Eye Center

It is hard to believe that just a few weeks ago we were facing the worst flooding this state has ever seen. The state office reacted quickly, establishing contact with FEMA to see what we could do to support their efforts and inform our membership of relief services to those impacted and volunteer opportunities for those who want to assist. AARP also made a generous donation of $25,000.00 to the Red Cross to help with flood relief efforts. Although time has passed, clean up activities from an event like this takes a great deal of time, and the uncertainty can cause physical and emotional duress. There are some resources still at your disposal about which we wanted to make sure you were aware: Here are some groups highlighted by the Denver Post which are assisting flood victims:
• The Salvation Army
Help those affected during the days of storm ahead and during long-term recovery. The Salvation Army uses 100 percent of your disaster donations in support of local disaster relief operations.
To give, visit or call 1-800-SAL-ARMY (1-800-725-2769) and designate "Colorado Floods." Donations by mail may be designated "Colorado Floods"and sent to:
The Salvation Army
P.O. Box 60006
Prescott, AZ 86304
• Red Cross
To help people affected by disasters like these floods, people can donate by visiting, calling 1-800-RED CROSS. Contributions may also be made by visiting
• Help Colorado Now is a partnership between the Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) and Colorado Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (COVOAD). This initiative brings together government agencies and nonprofit organizations so they may better assist communities affected by disasters.
• Foothills United Way
Foothills United Way has established the 'Foothills Flood Relief Fund' to be able to respond to the effects of these storms. Organizers expect to use this fund for immediate relief as well as longer-term recovery in Boulder and Broomfield Counties. The Fund is accessible online at
• Larimer Humane Society
If you are in a flooding area and need assistance with your animals. Visit, call 970-226-3647, Ext. 7 (Animal Protection and Control)
Please note any information you provide to the host organization will be governed by its privacy policy.
Photo courtesy of IStockPhoto/tramper2