AARP Eye Center

Cesar Chavez, along with Delores Huerta, founded the United Farmworkers Union of America in 1962. Chavez left a legacy of nonviolence, grass-roots organizing, and he is responsible for numerous labor improvements today.
Cesar Chavez Day has been an official holiday of the City and County of Denver since 2002.
To recognize this example of the enduring American spirit, a march and celebration is planned to honor the life and legacy of Cesar Chavez on Saturday March 28, 2020 in Denver.
The celebration will be observed beginning at 10:30 a.m. with a parade march from Regis University, 3333 Regis Blvd., at the corner of Lowell Boulevard and 50 th Avenue to Cesar Chavez Park, 4147 Utica St., where the festivities begin at 11 a.m. and continue until 1:30 p.m.
AARP Colorado is a sponsor of the celebration at the Cesar Chavez Park, 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., and will have a booth at the park. Please stop by and learn about AARP advocacy work in your community.
For more information about the celebration, please call Roberto Rey at the AARP Colorado State Office, 303-318-6763, or
The 1965 Delano Grape Strike launched UFW into a national labor movement. During this period of fast-paced organizing with strikes and boycotts, Chavez lobbied for change, negotiated contracts with growers, organized workers and spearheaded farmworker political activities.