AARP Eye Center

Are you a sports lover? How about a lacrosse game? Or maybe you’re into something more cultural. Well, AARP Colorado has you covered.
Join us for a Colorado Mammoth game and/or The Westside Oratorio, a tale of seven generations of a Denver Mexican-American family.
AARP invites you to see The Westside Oratorio on Dec. 7, 2014, 2 p.m. at Su Teatro, 721 Santa Fe Drive in Denver. This play has been described as a “beautiful, sweeping and poignant epic that boldly brings to life the stories of seven generations of Mexican-Americans who made West Denver, Auraria, their home.”
Admission is free for AARP members. Su Teatro only asks for a $3 donation per ticket to support its high school dropout prevention program.* Tickets may be picked up by presenting your AARP membership card at Su Teatro’s box office at 721 Santa Fe Drive in Denver Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., or reserve tickets and make a donation by phone by calling 303-296-0219 and confirming you are an AARP member. **
The Westside Oratorio is an original Su Teatro production by resident playwright and composer Tony Garcia in collaboration with Daniel Valdez of El Teatro Campesino in California.
Then check out Lacrosse at a discounted rate. AARP Night with the Colorado Mammoth home opener is Jan. 10, 2015 against the Calgary Roughnecks. AARP members and their guests receive a discounted ticket and service fees are waived.
Ticket price is $22 for the lower bowl end and $8 for the upper bowl end at Pepsi Center, 1000 Chopper Circle in Denver. To purchase tickets, visit\aarp, or for more information or to purchase over the phone, call 303-575-1931, or email Nick Brown at and mention you would like to receive the AARP offer.**
*The $3 donation is requested but not required.
**This is not an AARP event. Any information you provide to the host organization will be governed by its privacy policy.
[Artwork by Carlos Fresquez, courtesy of Su Teatro]