AARP Eye Center

AARP Tallahassee is happy to participate in the Tallahassee-Leon County Bike Month activities. And we're happy to sponsor the Slow Roll Booker Bike Ride on May 5.
Check out the month's activities. We hope to see you at one (or more) of them!
Tallahassee-Leon County Bicycle Expo, Tuesday, May 1, 6 p.m. Please join Planning Staff and our community partners for a night of food and cycling! To officially kick off Bike Month, the bike expo will be located at the Anita Favors Thompson Plaza at Lake Anita (under the Duval Street overpass at FAMU Way and S. Adams Street). There will be a food truck, Sneauxball Catering Co., and planning staff will walk participants through the ins and outs of traveling around Tallahassee on two wheels. Some topics that will be covered include basic set-up, equipment and safety. Bird Legs Bicycles, the Great Bicycle Shop, Higher Ground and Bicycle House will be on hand for bicycle tunes ups and to offer maintenance tips and tricks.
Once your bike is ready to go, Planning Staff will lead a ride through Cascades Park to officially kick off the month! If you’re interested in cycling but don’t have a bike, there will be Pace Bike Share bikes on hand for rent. Please e-mail for additional information, or visit
Saturday, May 5 - Slow Roll Boomer Bike Ride, 9:30 a.m. – In partnership with AARP and Pace Bike Share, a bike ride for all ages will offer a tour of central Tallahassee. The ride will begin at the Anita Favors Thompson Plaza at Lake Anita. From there, participants will travel along FAMU Way to Cascades Park, getting an in-depth tour of Tallahassee’s Central Park and the newly re-opened Smokey Hollow Barbershop. Participants will not have to bring their own bike to participate, only a helmet. Pace Bike Share will provide a special promotional code for the event, allowing participants to check out bikes for free. Registration for the Slow Roll Boomer Bike Ride is required: Click on the flier below.
Tuesday, May 8, and Wednesday, May 9 - Bike Month Proclamation – The City and County Commissions will recognize May as National Bike Month with a formal proclamation at their respective meetings. The Leon County Commission meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 8, beginning at 3 p.m. at the Leon County Courthouse, located at 301 S. Monroe Street. The Tallahassee City Commission meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 9, beginning at 4 p.m. at City Hall, located at 300 S. Adams Street. Both meetings are open to the public.
Saturday, May 19 - Tour de Farm: A Tour of Tallahassee’s Farmer’s Markets on Bike, 9:30 a.m. – Staff is partnering with the Joyride Bicycle Collective to lead participants on a tour of several farmer’s markets located within the city. Stops include the Tallahassee Downtown Marketplace, Frenchtown Farmer’s Market and Lake Ella Grower’s Market. If you don’t have a bike, that’s ok! You can rent one from the Pace Bike Share Station near Railroad Square. The ride will begin and end in Railroad Square. Participants are encouraged to bring money and reusable bags to purchase and store items from each of the markets. Registration is required: Click on the flier below.