AARP Eye Center

AARP Florida released the following statement regarding the state’s recent efforts that highlight the need for lower prescription drug prices.
AARP Florida State Director Jeff Johnson said, “We thank Governor DeSantis, Secretary Marstiller and the Agency for Healthcare Administration for elevating the issue of high prescription drug prices, and its burden on families, especially older adults in Florida.
“AARP is committed to helping Floridians afford their medications. We’re paying more for nearly everything today – from groceries to gas to housing. As inflation reaches its highest in 40 years – rising seven percent last year alone – Floridians are forced to choose between paying for their medicines and other essentials.
“The impact of inflation is only made worse by skyrocketing prescription drug prices. In January alone, Big Pharma raised prices on more than 800 prescription medicines – and they have levied similar increases for decades, with no effective way to stop them from ripping off seniors. If consumer prices had risen as fast as drug prices over the last 15 years, gas would now cost $12.20 a gallon and milk would be $13 a gallon. Enough is enough.
“We have more work to do at the state and federal level to help families struggling with the high cost of their medications. AARP Florida will continue to be a wise friend and fierce defender of Floridians 50+ as we keep up the fight to lower Rx prices.”