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Today, AARP Florida released its 2024 legislative priorities, highlighting the importance of maintaining a well-trained direct care workforce, enhancing the quality and oversight of Florida’s long-term care system, expansion of home and community-based services and increasing consumer protections as top priorities for the AARP advocacy team and volunteer advocates.
AARP Florida State Director Jeff Johnson said, “This year, we anticipate the Florida Legislature will focus on the health care workforce, which is critically important to the state’s ability to provide quality health and long-term care to residents. Health security is a top priority for AARP and its 2.8 million Florida members, and we will continue to highlight the importance of high-quality long-term care as a component of health security.”
“As a non-partisan advocate for older adults that does not endorse candidates or support campaigns, AARP’s work in the legislative process focuses on providing useful data, innovative policy ideas, and the voices of the people most affected by state policies. We look forward to continuing to work with legislative members and staff to provide subject matter experts who are well-versed in policymaking on long-term care, consumer protection and creating communities that are livable for all.
“We are also excited to welcome our AARP volunteer advocates back to the Capitol again! Last year, our volunteers and their dedication played a large role in our wins across the state. They are passionate about sharing their stories and helping elected officials understand how their lawmaking directly affects older Floridians.”
View the complete PDF of AARP Florida’s 2024 legislative priorities and lobbyist contact information.