AARP Eye Center

As Floridians continue to navigate the COVID-19 vaccination process, it’s important to know where you can find reliable information if you’re homebound and want to receive a vaccination.
AARP Florida is encouraging all Floridians to explore the options available in their community to access vaccinations in your home. Check out these vaccine resources to get started:
- If you’re homebound and would like to register for a vaccine, you can email Florida’s Division of Emergency Management at for more information.
- Floridians can also contact the state’s COVID-19 Call Center at 866-779-6121 for assistance.
- Find out where the vaccine is available in your area by using the Florida Department of Health’s Vaccine Locator Map.
- Don’t forget that Florida’s Elder Helpline is also available to help you find information about vaccines in your community, 1-800-96-ELDER (1-800-963-5337).
AARP Florida is providing information and resources about COVID-19 to help older Floridians get the latest information. Stay up-to-date on Florida’s vaccine distribution: