AARP Eye Center
Florida’s nursing home industry is at it again. Florida nursing home owners, operators, and executives are pushing legislation that would eliminate minimum nursing staffing standards in facilities. They want to change the math so they can use non-nursing staff to provide direct nursing care to our most vulnerable older adults.
Tell Florida Lawmakers: Don’t cut NURSING CARE in nursing homes. Vote ‘NO’ on HB 1239/SB 804.
Call Your State Representative: 844-489-1331
Call Your State Senator: 844-489-1328

This legislation (House Bill 1239 and Senate Bill 804) puts profits over patients to address a staffing crisis of the nursing home industry’s own making. These bills would allow activities coordinators and nonmedical staff to provide direct resident care that would normally be performed by a nurse or certified nursing assistant. Don’t be fooled – supporters of this legislation claim that it will expand their pool of workers and help them avoid the cost of qualified caregivers. If Florida removes highly-qualified nursing care then all you have are custodial facilities, leading to poor care for all nursing home residents.
Nursing home quality is positively tied to adequate nurse staffing. Minimum nursing staffing standards exist to ensure assistance with tasks that are critical to quality. This work is performed by Certified Nursing Assistant (CNAs) and includes helping frail and elderly residents get to the bathroom, helping them bathe, turning them in bed, and getting them dressed (Activities of Daily Living). These bills reduce the minimum nursing home staffing standards and places residents in harm’s way.
Simply put, this legislation is unnecessary. Both chambers are allotting $100 million to address the healthcare workforce shortage. There are many ways to address the workforce shortage that nursing homes face without eliminating minimum nursing staffing standards. Florida’s nursing home residents and families deserve better. AARP Florida opposes this legislation on behalf of our 2.8 million members, Floridians 50+ and their families.
Sign our petition to tell Florida legislators not to reduce the nursing staffing standard.
Read the bills:
Senate Bill 804 by Sen. Albritton (R-Bartow)
House Bill 1239 by Rep. Melo (R-Naples)
Read more news about this legislation: