AARP Eye Center
August 7, 2013, Miami, FL – Today, AARP launches its 40 Day Pledge website, The website – an extension of AARP’s initiative – empowers women with valuable information, free resources and interactive tools we can use to spark and complete a comprehensive long-term care plan in just a few steps.
“AARP understands that women are central to the long-term wellbeing of our families, but what about our own futures? Our research tells us that the average caregiver spends 20 hours a week taking care of others, but we do not take the time to think and plan for our own futures. This dynamic can inadvertently leave important decisions to others, and cause a great deal of stress for ourselves and our families,” says Cassandra D. Oshinnaiye, Campaign Manager of AARP’s “The 40 Day Pledge equips women to take hold of our future by deciding on a plan, creating that plan and then sharing it with the people who are most important to us.” encourages women to take the Pledge and kick off an interactive, step-by-step planning process. Over 40 days, participants are guided through four major topic areas – Health, Finances, Legal, and Home/Community – in sizing up their situation and developing a customized plan.
Sharing the importance of planning is easier than ever because the website connects to social media on Facebook ( and Twitter (@DCSwomen). Now, women may continue the conversation with our families and friends. A hashtag, #40daypledge, has also been assigned, rendering conversation threads easily accessible. The website also includes a blog showcasing personal stories, experiences and encouragements.
“AARP’s Decide.Create.Share. initiative is an easy free online tool that may be used to help women focus on setting long-term care plans in one convenient place,” said Ivonne Fernandez, Florida AARP Associate State Director. “Come September, the South Florida Office will sponsor a one-day English and Spanish seminar that brings to life this initiative providing women in the Miami area with free guidebooks that follow the website. We’re very excited to host a much needed program for women in our community.”
In support of the 40 Day Pledge, AARP’s will host a one-day workshop introducing the women in our community to the free tools and resources featured on the website. Entitled Living Longer, Living Smarter, the workshop will take place in South Florida this September.
To learn more about the 40 Day Pledge and, log onto
