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Poll: Floridians Feel Secure Using Mail-In Ballot, Trust Local Election Officials

TALLAHASSEE – Most Floridians who say they’re likely to vote in this fall’s elections say they feel secure using a mail-in ballot, according to an AARP Florida/Florida Politics poll released today.

Sixty-five percent said they feel “very secure” (43.8 percent) or “somewhat secure” (21.4 percent) submitting their ballot via mail, while 86 percent said they trust their local supervisor of elections. Additionally, when asked, a resounding 93 percent said they have not lost trust in America’s voting systems.

vote by mail envelope
Darylann Elmi -

“During these crucial times it is imperative that we have an election system that Floridians can trust and feel secure knowing that their ballot will be counted,” AARP Florida State Director Jeff Johnson said. “As we head toward the presidential primary, we want to make sure Floridians understand their voting options and feel safe casting their ballot.”

“At a time when voting-by-mail is being questioned, it’s clear that an overwhelming of Floridians trust this method, just as they trust their local officials to conduct a free and fair election,” Florida Politics Founder Peter Schorsch said. “If this poll shows anything, it’s that Floridians trust democracy.”

The poll, conducted by Florida Politics on July 13-14, questioned 3,018 likely Florida voters. Breakdown of political parties is: Democrats 1,171, Republican 1,166, and Independent 681. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 1.8 percent.

AARP Florida commissioned the poll to determine the mindset of Florida voters in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Nearly half (49.1 percent) of those polled said they fear catching coronavirus if they vote in person.

Previous in-person voters are switching to voting by mail, according to the survey. Forty-nine percent of those responding to the survey said they intend to vote by mail, compared to 35 percent in past elections. Fewer people plan to wait until Election Day to cast their ballot, with only 24 percent responding that they will wait until Election Day. In recent elections, about 35 percent of votes were cast on Election Day, rather than by mail-in ballot or during early-voting periods.

Other results include:
Will you vote in the November General Election?

  • Absolutely certain: 95.6%
  • Very likely: 3.1%
  • Somewhat likely: 1.3%

How secure do you feel your ballot is at your election day precinct?

  • Very secure: 70.1%
  • Somewhat secure: 23.1%
  • Somewhat not secure: 5.0%
  • Very much not secure: 1.8%

You like the choice Florida offers voters how they can vote: either vote-by-mail, early voting or Election Day voting.

  • Agree: 85.7%
  • Disagree: 14.3%

Get all poll results here. (Downloads as a pdf)

Other voting news: How to Vote in Florida’s 2020 Election: What You Need to Know

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