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AARP AARP States Florida Press

Proposed legislation a big step forward for all Florida consumers/ratepayers of regulated investor-owned utilities.

Tallahassee, Fla. -- AARP Florida State Director Jeff Johnson issued the following statement today strongly supporting newly announced legislation to strengthen consumer protections in state law for ratepayers receiving services from investor owned utilities:

“On behalf of 2.7 million AARP members statewide, and electric utilities consumers/ratepayers of all generations, AARP Florida strongly supports the legislation announced today. It’s time for Florida to raise the bar on protecting consumers.”

The legislation was announced by four legislative leaders in a Capitol news conference Thursday. Supporting the legislation were: Sen. Jack Latvala, R-Clearwater; Rep. Kathleen M. Peters, R-South Pasadena; Rep. Chris Sprowls, R-Clearwater; and Rep. Chris Latvala, R-Clearwater.

Sen. Latvala’s bill, SB 288, would:
- Require that the state’s Public Counsel, who represents consumers’ interests before the Public Service Commission (PSC),would have to agree to any PSC settlements for cases in which the Public Counsel participates. In 2012, the PSC rejected objections from the Public Counsel and approved a settlement negotiated between FPL and large electric-power users for a $350-million rate increase.

- Prohibit Investor-owned power companies from raising consumers’ rates because of an increase in recorded usage caused by an extension of a billing period. In midsummer 2014, consumers in the Duke Energy service area saw increases in their power bills after the company changed its billing and meter-reading practices and extended a billing cycle.

- Require that persons lobbying any member of the PSC Nominating Counsel would have to register as lobbyists and comply with all lobbying regulations and laws.

- Limit how much investor-owned utility companies could charge customers for deposits.

- Require the Public Service Commission to hold hearings in the service areas of utility companies and live-stream PSC meetings. PSC members would have to complete annual ethics training. The legislation also would forbid “ex parte” communications for all PSC meetings.

“AARP Florida is reaching out to hundreds of thousands of its members who are consumers/ratepayers of Florida’s regulated utilities asking them to voice their support for this important legislation,” Johnson said. “We appreciate the leadership of Sen. Latvala, Rep. Peters, Rep. Sprowls and Rep. Latvala, and AARP will do everything in its power to assist them. AARP strongly encourages other legislators to co-sponsor this legislation and to help turn it into Florida law.”

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