AARP Eye Center

Overwhelming. Confusing. Lonely.
That’s how some Illinois caregivers described the often arduous process of finding long-term care services for their loved ones, according to an AARP study published earlier this year. A common theme among the 107 caregivers and older adults interviewed: wishing there were a central trusted source to guide them.
AARP Illinois is working to ensure the state’s 1.3 million family caregivers can find resources more easily. It is teaming up with United Way of Illinois in the Chicago area to train operators of the 211 helpline to provide information about caregiving resources.
For years, 211 Illinois has linked residents to local resources for finding food, getting help with rent and locating other essential services. Now, Chicago-area operators will also ask screening questions to help identify callers caring for an adult relative.
They will provide information such as how to get connected with respite care, in-home help and support groups. While the caregiver training is currently focused on the Chicago area, the aim is to expand to other parts of the state, says Courtney Hedderman, AARP Illinois’ senior associate state director.
AARP also advocated for the creation of a new online portal with resources for caregivers. Under a 2024 law, the portal will have information about long-term care programs, tools for developing caregiving plans, educational materials and direct contact details to help people connect with the right resources.
“When a family member is sitting in the emergency room, in the waiting room, and they’re Googling ... how can I get help, it could be a one-stop shop,” says Jean Bohnhoff, an AARP volunteer who pushed for the portal.
Essential information should be online by next year, with added resources available by July 1, 2027.
—David Lewellen