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AARP Illinois

All the news that matters for Illinoisans over 50
On behalf of our 1.7 million members, AARP Illinois commends the Illinois Commerce Commission’s decision to reject Peoples Gas’ System Modernization Program (SMP) proposal.
The following statement was issued by AARP Illinois State Director Philippe Largent following the introduction of the FY25 Budget:
AARP Illinois and Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias are working hard to pass legislation that would raise the driving mandatory age to 87 (from the current 79) at which older drivers would be required to take a driving test before renewing their license.
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Bishop Simon Gordon, Reverend Marrice Coverson and Pastor Marvin Hightower stand in support of the Graduated Income Tax Amendment to make sure Illinois has the revenue it needs to invest in our communities.
Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago, and Fritzie Fritzshall, President of the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center emphasize the need to spread words of understanding and stop the spread of hate speech in today’s society.
Rochelle Crump is the president National Women Veterans United, which helps hundreds of female veterans live happy and healthy lives.
Three of the largest organizations representing seniors in Illinois came together Wednesday to reiterate their support for the Fair Tax amendment and to blast opponents for confusing seniors with false ads.
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit our Black and Hispanic friends and neighbors especially hard, and Illinois' existing flat tax system further threatens their health and financial futures.
Colette Hawley of "Coco's Songs for Seniors" takes her show to new "heights" as she travels around Illinois performing at nursing homes and retirement communities.
From Bob Gallo, AARP Illinois State Director:
For years, AARP has been fighting for commonsense solutions that fix our budget crisis without shifting the burden to older adults and middle-class families. The graduated income tax is a step in the right direction. Voting yes on the graduated income tax could help the state raise around $3 billion a year to deal with the budget crisis and ensure funding of essential services.
After losing his daughter to gun violence, Shemuel Sanders helps dozens of Decatur youth find purpose and plan for their futures.
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