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In Conversation...Voting Matters

In Conversation

Voting Matters

My first presidential election was in 1972. It was the Watergate election: Nixon versus McGovern. I still remember the excitement of going to our local park fieldhouse with my parents and casting my vote. While not always on the winning side, I have proudly cast my vote in every election since. (Yes, even in the “off” years.) It’s not only one of the most basic rights we have as Americans, it’s a privilege and a responsibility.

I recently attended an AARP virtual “get out the vote rally” and was reminded of how important it is to do the research and understand which candidate has my best interests and those of all older adults at heart; whose values most align with mine. The rally focused on issues such as the future of Social Security and Medicare as well as the real need for support for family and professional caregivers. I recalled reading about a study conducted by AARP that surfaced issues most important to older adults – starting with financial security. The survey reported that over 60% of adults in Illinois are concerned about having sufficient financial resources to live comfortably in retirement and currently struggle with meeting daily expenses. Read the survey.

In this election, as never before, the importance of voting is clear. I’ll vote early to avoid lines and not have to deal with unexpected conflicts on November 5. I know some people who only vote on Election Day to be part of something bigger. Whatever your preference, be sure to plan your vote and execute your plan.

Make sure to chime in on Facebook and let me know what your plan is!

I’ll be watching the results with friends on November 5 and hope you’ll be with me in spirit.

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Hello! My name is Gail. As a retired marketing communications professional, I have been volunteering as part of the AARP Illinois Communications Team for the last four years or so. During this time, I’ve seen a lot of activity coming from the Illinois team. With so much of this coming from regular e-blasts or social media, I often wonder how much of this reaches you – AARP-IL valued members – and what you think about all of this. So, from time to time, you’ll see this new column from me. We’re calling it “In Conversation” because we’re hoping you’ll engage with me in response to these posts. We hope you’ll join the conversation by sending your thoughts through Facebook and telling us what you think.

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