AARP Eye Center

Hello! My name is Gail.
As a retired marketing communications professional, I have been volunteering as part of the AARP Illinois Communications Team for the last four years or so. During this time, I’ve seen a lot of activity coming from the Illinois team. Some of it involves critical legislative issues for which the staff and many volunteers have advocated in the Illinois General Assembly.
There have been significant successes, such as keeping a lid on utility rate increases and the Secure Choice program, that have benefitted older adults in Illinois. Other efforts have given Illinois older adults valuable information on topics including how and where to vote, available supports for caregivers, and thoughts about retirement savings. We’ve also seen announcements about AARP-IL sponsored events and partnerships such as the Nutcracker, Joffrey Ballet and Steppenwolf Theater and classes (virtual and in-person) promoting more social opportunities such as cooking classes, crafting, and physical fitness. With so much of this coming from regular e-blasts or social media, I often wonder how much of this reaches you – AARP-IL valued members – and what you think about all of this.
So, from time to time, you’ll see this new column from me. We’re calling it “In Conversation” because we’re hoping you’ll engage with me in response to these posts.
In the course of these conversations, you’ll learn more about me. (That part scares me a bit, I’m generally a pretty private person.) I have a lot on my mind and look forward to sharing thoughts on volunteerism, caregiving, grandparenting, and other topics that come to mind. I hope you’ll use this opportunity to share what’s on your mind through our Facebook page. Let’s get that conversation going!
Of course, there’s always lots going on from AARP-IL across the State. Join staff and volunteers at the AARP booth at the Illinois State Fair August 8-18. We’ll be there with lots of good information, games, giveaways, and just friendly faces looking forward to greeting members and friends. Watch for presentations on Social Security, Fraud, and Downsizing and Decluttering. I’ll be there to help kick it off on August 8 and 9. See you there.