Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are residential living units on the same lot as a single-family or primary dwelling. AARP Iowa is working to expand access to this housing option by championing a statewide ADU law that would give all Iowans the right to build an ADU on their property, reducing unnecessary regulations and red tape.
AARP Iowa works with community members and decision-makers to inform and enact positive change on the issues that affect all of us as we age. This includes health and independence, financial security and making our communities more livable for all Iowans.
Voting in the mid-term elections is easy for some people – just a quick walk around the corner or a short drive to the polling station. But for others, it may seem impossible.
When you go into an airport, coffee shop or mall, connecting to free public Wi-Fi is convenient for sending emails, checking social media or even sending a text, but using it can be risky.
Before you head to the polls, learn where the candidates stand on the issues that matter most to you. AARP Iowa sat down with candidates for Iowa Governor to hear how they would help Iowans live independently, support caregivers, protect public pensions and strengthen guardianship laws to protect Iowa's most vulnerable citizen. Watch how they responded below, so you can cast an educated vote this November.
Maddie Miller was born with spina bifida and has been confined to a wheelchair most of her life. Now 22 years of age and employed at the South Suburban YMCA in Des Moines, Miller takes great pride in her independence and relies on Dart transportation to get to and from work. The lack of sidewalks in her neighborhood, however, has put her safety and independence in jeopardy.
AARP Iowa, Latino Political Network (LPN) and county auditors are partnering to inform voters ahead of mid-term election with 5 statewide programs -- Bettendorf, Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, Mason City and Shenandoah -- during the week of Oct. 15.