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Cathy McLeer

Voters age 50 and older were the deciding factor in last year’s midterm elections, according to the National Election Pool Exit Poll results. The findings confirmed that 50-plus voters made up the majority of voters 64% in Minnesota, and Candidates who ignored older voters, Minnesota’s most powerful voting group, paid a price on Election Day.
There is a lot of work happening in Minneapolis to make it a community that is livable for all residents – including older adults.
The job search game has changed a lot over the last few years. But thanks to two recent AARP workshops, nearly 50 Twin Citians age 50+ are better equipped to find, apply for and land a job.
For too many people, the right type of house, in the right location and at the right price point can’t be found because it no longer exists. This mismatch – between the available housing stock and what people actually want – is partly due to shifting demographics and partly due to the growing demand for walkable urban living. Filling that gap with new housing options that offer the right size, location and price point – something often referred to as “Missing Middle Housing” - is one way to correct this mismatch and create affordable options for a broader range of people.
Voting in the mid-term elections is easy for some people – just a quick walk around the corner or a short drive to the polling station. But for others, it may seem impossible.
Before you head to the polls, learn where the candidates stand on the issues that matter most to you. AARP Iowa sat down with candidates for Iowa Governor to hear how they would help Iowans live independently, support caregivers, protect public pensions and strengthen guardianship laws to protect Iowa's most vulnerable citizen. Watch how they responded below, so you can cast an educated vote this November.
Around the state Minnesotan’s are talking with candidates about challenging issues. Critical issues like retirement security and protecting vulnerable seniors. These issues are on the line for Minnesotans this mid-term election. While we might not always agree about what’s most important or the best solution, we do know that policy discussions and the decisions that come out of them impact all of us in different ways. That’s why AARP is proud to partner with Twin Cities Public Television on the production of Citizen Lane.
Minnesotans 50 and older are the most reliable group of voters in the country, and it’s important we stay that way. We need to get involved and ask candidates questions on everything we care about – where they stand on Social Security, how they’ll strengthen Medicare, or how they’ll bring down the high cost of prescription drugs.
In response to a new series of digital advertising released in Minnesota by the House Majority PAC and DCCC, and print advertising released by the MN DFL, AARP affirms it did not authorize or participate in the production or release of the ads now appearing in the state.
Election day is fast approaching. Are you registered to vote? Need to know where to vote? Need to request an absentee ballot, or want information on ballot initiatives? Be the difference - find your polling place, get information on how to vote absentee, or review a sample ballot so you're prepared to cast your vote on November 6.
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