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Watch: Citizen Lane Explores Key Issues

Citizn Lane Thumbnail
Mcleer, Cathy
Around the state Minnesotan’s are talking with candidates about challenging issues. Critical issues like retirement security and protecting vulnerable seniors.  These issues are on the line for Minnesotans this mid-term election. While we might not always agree about what’s most important or the best solution, we do know that policy discussions and the decisions that come out of them impact all of us in different ways. That’s why AARP is proud to partner with Twin Cities Public Television on the production of Citizen Lane.

Citizen Lane follows Twin Cities locals Sanni and Sandy as they engage with Minnesotans by traveling the state in a yellow Shasta camper. Along the way they learn more about what policy issues Minnesota currently faces and how Minnesotans are going about fixing them. Across five episodes Sandy and Sanni help us understand how to engage in healthy, productive civic conversations, one conversation at a time.

Watch episodes where they learn about how Minnesotans are boosting rural economies, working to support the increasing aging population, and learning how transportation projects are decided and developed with community involvement.

Your voice matters. Conversations like the ones Sandy and Sanni are having are a key part to our democracy. Don’t let your voice go unheard this mid-term election. Be the Difference. Pledge to vote.

Citizen Lane Episode 1:  Sandy and Sanni explore workforce issues facing urban and rural communities in Minnesota.


Citizen Lane Episode 2:  Sandy and Sanni explore challenges Minnesotan's face in supporting the aging and their caregivers.


Citizen Lane Episode 3: Sandy and Sanni hear how communities are coming together to solve transportation challenges.


Citizen Lane Episode 4: Sandy and Sanni explore higher education options in Minnesota.


Citizen Lane Episode 5: Sandy and Sanni explore conservation of natural resources.




Citizen Lane is part of “In It Together” – TPT’s new initiative aimed at engaging Minnesotans in conversations that support and sustain a healthy democracy.

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