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Work & Jobs

Discover how to network effectively, hone your interviewing skills and search and apply for great jobs. Join AARP for an upcoming free, interactive workshop where we will:
The majority of Americans would like to remain in their own homes and communities as they age, instead of moving into a long-term care center. While for some it may be a preference, for others it may be a necessity due to expenses, logistics and other factors. Regardless of why an individual may choose to remain at home, aging-in-place can deliver its own set of challenges. Aging-in-place takes planning and may require a large network of caregivers, services, and even physical modifications to the home.
AARP is excited to announce that a compromise has been reached on hero pay for frontline workers, and the Governor signed it into law on May 3, 2022.
Looking for a job that has flexible hours, competitive pay, and matters to your community? Consider working for the 2020 Census! Get more information on the potential opportunities during our free webinar.
It’s time for that once-every-10-years job opportunity! If you are looking to earn extra income for your household, you may want to consider becoming a U.S Census worker.
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