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AARP AARP States Iowa Advocacy

New IA State Campaign Office Opens, Hub for Volunteer Advocacy


As the 2016 general election moves into high gear, AARP is mobilizing members and voters in Iowa and across the country to demand that all candidates have a plan to update Social Security for current and future citizens. Without updates for future sustainability, the benefits Social Security provides will drastically decrease for recipients by 2034, potentially by as much as $10,000 a year.

AARP's nationwide campaign #TakeAStand, asks that presidential candidates Take a Stand on Social Security and form a plan to update it, not just for current beneficiaries, but for our children and grandchildren.

In Iowa 1,775,000 people are working hard and paying into Social Security.  It is also a primary source of income for thousands of Iowans: more than 600,000 Iowans receive Social Security, with the average monthly benefit of about $1,300. Overall, Social Security lifts 157,000 Iowan retirees from poverty, meaning 47% of Iowa's 65+ population would have incomes below the poverty line if not receiving Social Security.

To engage Iowans to j


oin in this grassroots campaign, AARP has opened a new campaign field office in Des Moines, hired a team of organizers led by Joshua Skaggs, to involve members statewide and all Iowa voters in this critical effort to urge presidential candidates to commit to a plan to put Social Security on stable financial ground for the future. The team has been hosting meet ups across the state to inform members about the effort, and is working with volunteers to continue to reach out to members to get involved in advocating for the future.

"The sooner we deal with issues Social Security faces, the easier it will be to deal with the problems that need to be addressed instead of waiting until the last minute and dealing in a crisis situation," said Kent Sovern, AARP Iowa State Director.

To find out how you can get involved, call 866-554-5378 or email

Politicians won't solve the problem unless voters make it clear they want them to talk about their plans for the future of Social Security and the benefits they’ve earned through a lifetime of hard work. The last time Washington updated Social Security was back in 1983, and it took the partnership of Ronald Reagan - a Republican - and Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill – a Democrat.

That’s why in addition to working to get the presidential candidates to details their plans for the program, AARP is urging every congressional candidate to commit to take action to make Social Security

marshalltown TAS meeting

financially sound and ensure it provides adequate income for current and future generations. AARP has sent letters to every candidate for the House of Representatives and the Senate. Their responses will be posted on  in September. Iowans deserve real answers before Election Day on whether the next president and congress will commit to take action to keep Social Security strong and AARP is committed to urging leaders to Take a Stand.

To get involved in Iowa's efforts this election season, call 866-554-5378 or email

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