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In past decades, workers worked for one company for many years, often for their entire working lives. That is no longer the norm. In fact, the average length of time a worker stays in one job is about 4½ years. Assuming a work life of about 45 years (estimating from 22 to 67 years of age), a worker will have about 10 positions during his or her work life. That fact proves two very important things:
AARP volunteers and staff from Kansas and every other state in the nation visited Capitol Hill today to
Note CHANGE IN TIME: AARP Kansas is excited to announce that the first Grandparent Park in Kansas will open officially on July 20 with a dedication ceremony beginning at 9 a.m. The park is located at Estelle and Kellogg in Wichita. Join Mayor Brewer, Councilwoman Williams, AARP, and other community leaders and neighborhood residents for all the festivities. There will be music, Tai Chi, balloons, walking program sign-up, ice cream and a drawing for gift certificates from First Gear Sports in Wichita. For more information, e-mail or call 1-866-448-3619.
Here I go celebrating another holiday! I can’t help it. Each month presents an array of official and unofficial opportunities to learn more about a culture, bring attention to a concern we could all work together and solve, or just enjoy life! June is no different. This month is a great time to celebrate the adoption of our flag, the diversity of our population, the importance of fathers, and the longest day of the year, the Summer Solstice! The Summer Solstice occurs around June 21 st here in the US and is sometimes referred to as “Midsummer”. Formal celebrations include festivals across the United States, such as the Midsummer’s Festival in Lindsborg, which features a Kubb Tournament among other family favorites.
Like most laws, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as the health care law, is complex. Who could forget all the talk about this over 900-page document? You don’t need to read the entire law, but you do need to understand what the changes in the law mean to you. How the law works for you is based on who you are, where you live, and what your health status and health coverage is.
AARP Foundation Establishes Relief Fund for Victims of Oklahoma Tornadoes
Here's another poignant poem by Topeka writer and AARP volunteer Annette Billings!
The Olympic spirit is coming to Wichita with a free screening event of the documentary Age of Champions! The film is being sponsored by AARP Kansas and the Wichita Area Retired School Personnel.
In the past few weeks, I've been able to attend a 3-year-old’s soccer game, a 5-year-old’s t-ball game, and an 11-year-old’s first school play. Being Grandma is kind of fun, for me, because I didn’t have children of my own – the children I watched are my oldest step-daughter’s children. I’m a grandma to six young people now, and it amazes me how much they learn from one visit to the next. It also amazes me to watch my step-daughters caring for these little ones and guiding them toward adulthood.
More than six and a half percent of older adults in Kansas face the threat of hunger
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