AARP Eye Center

Tenants' Rights Workshop
Open to both tenants and landlords, the Tenants’ Rights Workshop will feature presentations by the Louisville Legal Aid Society, Code Enforcement, the Lexington Fair Housing Council, and an eviction court judge. The Housing Discrimination Under the Fair Housing Act was signed on April 11 – the event will be held on the 54th anniversary.
- April 11th 10:00am or 5:00pm, Home of the Innocents, 1100 E Market Street
Mobile Housing Tours
Did you know 75% of land in Louisville is designated as single-family? Our choices shouldn’t be limited to a single-family home or a large apartment building. There are many housing types in the middle. Join one of the missing middle housing tours sponsored by Louisville Metro Planning and Design, Metropolitan Housing Coalition and AARP Kentucky.
- April 15th 10:00am – 12:00pm, Park DuValle. Meet at Southwick Community Center – 3621 Southern Avenue, route: 1 mile.
- April 19th 6:00pm – 7:30pm, Old Louisville. Meet at Magnolia Park – 1407 S. 2nd Street, route: 1.3 miles.
- April 29th 10:00am – 2:30pm, Meet at Southwick Community Center – 3621 Southern Avenue, route: 2 miles. The extended bus tour with lunch provided will highlight middle housing in neighborhoods from west to east Louisville. Transportation provided by TARC. Register here for the 29th*.
"Aging in Place in Our Louisville Community: What it Means, What Barriers Exist, and What Are We Doing to Address the Issue"
Join the Filson, in partnership with the Metropolitan Housing Coalition, to commemorate the signing of the Fair Housing Act in April 1968, and to discuss an important community housing issue—aging in place in Louisville. A panel of housing experts will discuss barriers to aging in place, how this is a fair housing issue, and what housing advocates and policymakers are doing to create choice and opportunity across all of Louisville.
- April 27th 6:00-7:00pm, Filson Historical Society (in-person and via Zoom), 1310 S 3rd Street. Register here* or visit and click on upcoming events.
*This is not an AARP event. Any information you provide to the host organization will be governed by its privacy policy.