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AARP AARP States Kentucky Health & Wellbeing

Stay Sharp! Make brain health a habit

It’s never too late to focus on brain health!

In this interactive session, you will learn about the six pillars of brain health, strategies for supporting brain health, and hopefully be inspired by others. Free lunch included with completed registration.

Learn about the importance of remaining social, stress management, sleep, and the benefits of just moving around a bit more.

Let's Focus on Brain Health
Date: Monday, March 24
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Location: Goodwill West Louisville Opportunity Center, 2820 West Broadway, Louisville, KY 40211
Register online

Healthcare, brain scan and doctor with patient in office for appointment, checkup or diagnosis. Medical, consulting or mri results with health professional and woman in hospital for discussion
Healthcare, brain scan and doctor with patient in office for appointment, checkup or diagnosis. Medical, consulting or mri results with health professional and woman in hospital for discussion
LumiNola/Getty Images

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