"Finding Calm as a Caregiver," a program addressing the challenges and joys of caregiving, will be offered by the Caregiver Resource Network from 1 to 3:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 7 at 3215 Eaglecrest Drive NE, Grand Rapids.
Hear from industry leaders on how to seize opportunities that keep you in a job and help continue to enhance your professional success at “Reimagine Work” from 6-9 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 14 at the Western Michigan University Conference Center, 200 Ionia Ave. SW, Grand Rapids.
AARP Foundation is teaming up with Fair Food Network to spread the word about Fair Food Network’s statewide SNAP incentive program, Double Up Food Bucks. Through a volunteer effort in grocery stores in Detroit, Grand Rapids and Battle Creek, we aim to increase participation in Double Up—especially among older adults.
Nonpartisan AARP released voter guides today featuring positions from U.S. Senate, Congressional and Gubernatorial and other statewide candidates – in their own words – on critical issues including Social Security, Medicare, and financial security. Voters of all ages may view the voter guides at www.aarp.org/yourvote.