East Lansing is the fourth Michigan city to join the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities. The city is drafting a plan to make the city more livable, with accessible transportation and housing, walkable streets and other quality-of-life improvements.
The water crisis in Flint affects young and old alike, and the first step toward a solution is to remove thousands of lead pipes that run from main street lines to people’s homes. But before the work can be done, the homeowners must give permission.
Lawmakers recently approved an increase of 15 percent, or $2.5 million, in state dollars for non-Medicaid in-home senior services through September 2017. AARP Michigan pressed for the additional funding.
As I start my journey as State Director of AARP Michigan, I would like to introduce myself to our volunteers, partners, members and to all Michiganders who deserve the opportunity to age with dignity and purpose.