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AARP AARP States New Jersey

2024 AARP NJ Advocacy Priorities

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On behalf of our more than 1 million Garden State members and all older New Jerseyans, our priorities in 2024 are focused on solutions that will make New Jersey a place to stay for life, including transforming our long-term care system, funding our property tax relief programs, expanding housing options and affordable housing and implementing new laws that will support people 50 and older.

Read more about our advocacy priorities, including:

Health Security: Transforming our Long-Term Care System
  • Improving Financial Transparency in Nursing Homes (S1948/A1872)
  • Expanding Paid Family Leave
  • Increasing Support for Family Caregivers (S2303/A1581)
  • Expanding Small House Nursing Homes
  • Improving Quality and Safety Incentives
  • Bolstering the Long-Term Care Workforce
  • Expanding Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS)

Financial Security: Property Tax Relief, Full Pension Payments, Affordable Utilities
  • Full Funding for Property Tax Relief Programs (ANCHOR, Senior Freeze, StayNJ)
  • Expanding Senior Freeze (S1756/A110)
  • Full Funding for Pension Payments
  • Ensuring Utilities are Affordable and Reliable
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Livable Communities: Expanding Housing Options and Affordable Housing
  • Expanding Housing Options, Including Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) - (S50/A4 and S2347)
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Implementing New Laws: RetireReady NJ, StayNJ, Prescription Drug Affordability Council and Presumptive Eligibility
  • Start-Up Funding for the Secure Choice Savings Program (RetireReady NJ)
  • Full Funding for StayNJ Property Tax Relief Program
  • Implementing the Prescription Drug Affordability Council
  • Implementing Presumptive Eligibility for Home and Community-Based Services

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