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AARP AARP States New Jersey

Resources to Assist with Property Taxes, Rent, Utility Bills and Health Care Coverage!

The better you budget, the more you save

We know many residents are struggling with New Jersey’s high cost of living. That's why AARP New Jersey fought to expand and establish state programs to help bring financial relief to thousands of residents.

Also, if you get your health insurance through NJ FamilyCare/Medicaid, we want to ensure you stay covered as you will have to renew your coverage.

Below, you'll find resources to save money on property taxes, rent and utility bills, as well as information to keep your health care coverage.


There is now a single combined application for the Senior Freeze (Property Tax Reimbursement), ANCHOR, and Stay NJ programs for residents 65 and over, or those collecting Social Security Disability Benefits. The Treasury will determine your eligibility for you and send a letter with the specific benefits you qualify for. The filing deadline is October 31.

Please note: eligibility requirements, including income limits, and benefits available for all property tax relief programs are subject to change by the State Budget. Tell lawmakers to stay the course on StayNJ.

Stay NJ
The Stay NJ program offers property tax benefits to eligible homeowners aged 65 and older. It reimburses applicants for 50% of their property tax bills, up to a maximum of $13,000, with a 2024 benefit cap of $6,500. To qualify, you must have owned and lived in your home for the full 12 months of 2024 and have an income below $500,000. Mobile homeowners are not eligible.

Stay NJ benefits are calculated after ANCHOR and Senior Freeze benefits are determined. Payments are expected to be issued in early 2026.

Eligibility requirements, including income limits, and benefits available for all Property Tax Relief programs are subject to change by the State Budget. Tell NJ lawmakers to stay the course on Stay NJ.

Learn more about Stay NJ here.

Senior Freeze (Property Tax Reimbursement)
The Senior Freeze Program reimburses eligible older residents and people with disabilities for property tax or mobile home park site fee increases on their principal residence (main home). To qualify, you must meet all the eligibility requirements for each year from the base year through the application year.

New for Senior Freeze Recipients: The income eligibility standards have changed. To be eligible for Senior Freeze, an applicant’s total annual income must have been $168,268 or less in 2024, and $163,050 or less in 2023. Additionally, taxpayers no longer have to include proof of property taxes paid with their application.

Learn more about the Senior Freeze here.

The Affordable New Jersey Communities for Homeowners and Renters, or ANCHOR, offers property tax relief to New Jersey residents who own or rent property in New Jersey as their main home and meet certain income limits. This year's ANCHOR benefit is based on residency, income, and age from 2024.

  • Senior/Social Security Disability Recipient Homeowners/Renters
    Applicants will submit a single application to claim benefits from Senior Freeze (Property Tax Reimbursement), ANCHOR, and the new Stay NJ Program. The application will begin mailing in February 2025, with online filing also available.

    See Property Tax Relief for more details on the new combined application.
  • All Other Homeowners and Renters - Coming Summer 2025
    Eligible New Jersey homeowners and renters under 65 and not collecting Social Security disability benefits will have their applications automatically filed when online filing becomes available in the summer. If you do not receive an Auto-File Confirmation Letter, you will have the opportunity to file an Application for Property Tax Relief on your own.

Learn more about ANCHOR here.


Universal Service Fund (USF)
In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the NJ Board of Public Utilities has expanded the state’s Universal Service Fund, which helps make energy bills more affordable for low- and moderate-income customers. To be eligible, a household gross income must be at or below 400% of the Federal Poverty Level, and pay more than 2% of its annual income for electric, or more than 2% for natural gas. If a household has electric heat, it must spend more than 4% of its annual income on electricity. Learn more about the Universal Service Fund here or call the toll-free hotline at 1-800-510-3102.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
LIHEAP is designed to help low-income families and individuals meet home heating and medically necessary cooling costs. To apply for LIHEAP, you can apply online or contact an authorized local community action agency or community-based organization in your county for assistance. For people 60 or older, or who are disabled, applications may be received and returned by mail. Other households may apply by mail at the discretion of the local agency. Learn more about LIHEAP here or call 1-800-510-3102. The 2024 Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program will reopen on October 1.

Lifeline Credit Program
This program is for people who meet Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled (PAAD) eligibility requirements or who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI). It provides a $225 annual benefit in the form of a credit on electric and gas utility bills. The program includes utility customers as well as tenants whose utility bills are included in their rent. Learn more about the Lifeline Credit Program here or call the toll-free hotline at 1-800-792-9745.


NJ FamilyCare/Medicaid Renewal
Are you covered by NJ FamilyCare – New Jersey's publicly-funded health insurance program that includes Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) – through Aetna, Amerigroup, Horizon, WellCare or UnitedHealthcare? If so, you will have to renew your health care coverage!

Learn more about NJ FamilyCare here and learn more about the renewal process here.

From April 1, 2023 through June 1, 2024, NJ FamilyCare is mailing all Medicaid recipients renewal packets, which you will have to fill out to keep your health care coverage.

New Jersey is resuming its NJ FamilyCare/Medicaid’s annual review process that determines if enrollees meet the income requirements for continued coverage. Keep your eye out for an envelope from NJ FamilyCare that says, “Renewal Enclosed.” Please open it and follow the instructions right away.

Learn more about NJ FamilyCare here and learn more about the renewal process here. If you are unsure whether the state has your current address, call the NJ FamilyCare help line at 1-800-701-0710.

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