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AARP New Jersey Urges Senate to Support Bipartisan Plan to Lower Prescription Drug Prices
Statement from AARP New Jersey Associate State Director for Advocacy Crystal McDonald
TRENTON, N.J. – “We commend House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and New Jersey Reps. Bonnie Watson Coleman, Frank Pallone and Donald Norcross for their efforts to lower prescription drug prices and for participating in a roundtable today with advocates and consumers in New Jersey.

The speaker and representatives heard from consumers who shared their personal stories about struggling to afford their necessary prescription medications. Too many Americans are forced to choose between filling life-saving prescriptions and paying rent, buying food and affording other critical essentials. In 2017, nearly one in four New Jersey residents stopped taking prescription medication as prescribed due to cost. And prices continue to increase.
Lowering prescription drug prices needs to be at the top of the agenda this year. It is critical that prescription drug legislation includes meaningful reform to lower prices – rather than shifting costs around in the system. We need to attack the root of the problem – high prices set by drug manufacturers – if we want to provide sustainable relief to older Americans.
H.R. 3, which passed in the House late last year, would allow Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices, set an annual out-of-pocket cap for seniors in Medicare Part D, and crack down on relentless drug price increases by pharmaceutical companies. We applaud the speaker and representatives for their work in passing H.R. 3 in the House, and urge the Senate to support a bipartisan plan to lower prescription drug prices.
We look forward to working with members of Congress on both sides of the aisle to lower prices and Stop Rx Greed.”
About AARP New Jersey
AARP is the nation’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering people 50 and older to choose how they live as they age. AARP New Jersey educates and advocates on behalf of those 50 and older on issues that are important to them, their families and to all Garden State residents. The organization works to strengthen New Jersey communities with a focus on health security, financial stability and personal fulfillment. To learn more, visit or follow @AARPNJ on social media.