AARP Eye Center

This year’s elections are some of the most important in our lifetimes. Medicare, Social Security, and other critical issues are on the line! Our votes will decide whether Washington gets to work, or puts our future at risk. This year, AARP has launched “Be the Difference. Vote,” a multifaceted campaign designed to maximize the influence of America’s 50-plus voters. The campaign seeks to get the largest possible turnout of voters age 50-plus to the polls while putting front and center issues like Medicare, Social Security and family caregiving, along with other topics of interest to older voters. Take the pledge to vote on November 6 th!
The power of older voters to determine the outcome of elections is real – but there is a major drop off of voters between a presidential election and a midterm election. In the 2016 Presidential Election 2,021,807 New Jerseyans age 50+ voted. In the 2014 Midterm Election 1,455,715 New Jerseyans age 50+ voted, meaning there were 566,092 drop-off voters. [1] This is why AARP is seeking to encourage all 50+ voters to take to the polls this election day and vote.
New Jersey voters have options for how to cast their ballot. All New Jersey residents who wish to vote must register to vote. If you are unsure if you are registered to vote, check the New Jersey Department of State website. All New Jersey voters must be registered to vote by October 16 th to vote on November 6, 2018. Voter registration forms are available online.
All eligible New Jersey voters can go to the polls on Tuesday November 6 th and vote in person. Click HERE to find your polling place.
All New Jersey voters also have the option to vote by mail. The first step is to fill out a Vote by Mail Application. To receive your ballot by mail, the application must be received by the County Clerk 7 days prior to the election. A voter may also apply in person at the County Clerk’s office up until 3:00 p.m., the day before the election. After your application is completed it should be mailed to the County Clerk. If you apply to vote by mail you will receive your ballot in the mail and must return that ballot to the county clerk by mail or deliver it by the close of the polls on Election Day.
AARP does not endorse candidates or make contributions to political campaigns or candidates. We have a proud 32-year history of non-partisan voter engagement, providing voters with information on where the candidates stand on issues important to our members and their families, so they can make their own decisions on Election Day. AARP urges you to take the pledge and get out and vote on November 6 th!
[1] 2014 and 2016 Current Population Survey Voting and Registration Supplements (Census/BLS) Weighted 50+ estimates compiled by AARP. Estimates are subject to survey error. 2014 50+ N= 1032, 2016 50+ N=1040