AARP Eye Center
The nationwide network aims to make communities more livable for people of all ages.

GLEN ROCK, NJ — Glen Rock is proud to announce its enrollment in the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities, a program dedicated to promoting livable communities for people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities.
With this enrollment, Glen Rock becomes the latest community in New Jersey to join the Network. By joining the Network, Glen Rock has made a commitment to identifying and addressing the needs of its aging population, creating a more inclusive and accessible community.
Joining the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities is an important step for Glen Rock," said Mary Barchetto, Glen Rock Council Member. "We recognize the importance of creating a community that is welcoming and accessible for people of all ages, and we are committed to working to make that a reality." By joining the Network, we have made a commitment to continue working with residents and stakeholders to build upon our existing accomplishments to make Glen Rock even more age-friendly, said Teresa Gilbreath, Glen Rock Council Member. We will work to ensure that the voices of residents 50 and older are included throughout.
Enrollment in the Network requires communities to assess their age-friendliness, identify strategies for improvement, and implement those strategies over time. Glen Rock completed an age-friendly assessment in 2022. Nearly 500 Glen Rock residents responded to the survey, the majority of whom have lived in Glen Rock for more than 25 years. Respondents ranked safe, walkable neighborhoods, housing, medical, and access to shopping as their top Quality of Life issues.
We congratulate Glen Rock on their enrollment in the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities," said Chris Widelo, State Director for AARP NJ. "We look forward to supporting them as they continue to work to create a community that is more livable and inclusive for people of all ages.
With its enrollment, Glen Rock proudly stands as the 891st member of the Network across the country. This step places the Borough among an expansive network of communities, states, and a territory, all united in their commitment to age-friendly initiatives.
For more information about the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities, visit
About the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities
The AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities supports the work of local, regional and state governments as they prepare for the nation’s changing demographics. Established in 2012, the Network includes towns, cities, counties and states that have made a commitment to being more livable for people of all ages, and especially older adults. To learn more, visit or follow @AARPLivable on social media.