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AARP AARP States New Jersey

New Jersey Becomes 9th State Accepted into AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities

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May 3, 2021 - The Department of Human Services and AARP New Jersey today announced New Jersey has become the ninth state accepted into the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities, which works to make communities supportive and accessible places to live for people of all ages.

Age-friendly refers to how communities support the health and well-being of residents as they experience long lives. Age-friendly communities provide safe, walkable streets, affordable and accessible housing and transportation options, access to needed services, and opportunities for residents of all ages to participate in community life.

"We are all aging, every day. We know people are living and working longer, we know they want to remain in their homes and communities, and we know that being age-friendly improves the quality of life for everyone," said AARP New Jersey State Director, Stephanie Hunsinger. "We commend the Governor and his administration for recognizing the need to make New Jersey an age-friendly state, and we look forward to continuing our work together to make New Jersey a great place to grow up, and grow old."

You can read the full press release from the administration here.

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