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AARP AARP States New Jersey

AARP New Jersey Speakers Bureau

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AARP New Jersey’s Speakers Bureau has skilled volunteers that can speak to your group both in-person and online! Our speakers provide FREE, virtual and in-person presentations that address the issues that matter most to New Jerseyans 50 and older.

If you are interested in requesting a speaker, please fill out this form.

Businesswoman gesturing, leading conference meeting

Our speakers will present to groups throughout the state, including community organizations, private businesses, houses of worship, and AARP chapters.

What presentations are available?


  • Fraud Watch The Scam Landscape Staying Safe: This presentation helps empower individuals in the fight against fraud with proven resources and tools to help you spot and avoid identity theft and other fraud. Duration: 40 minutes
  • Fraud Watch Government Impostor Scams: Scammers are becoming more and more savvy in their efforts to take your money and/or identity, especially by pretending to be from a government agency. Stay up to date on impostor scams to understand the top ways to spot and avoid them. Duration: 20 minutes
  • Fraud Watch Your ID - Staying Connected and Protected: As many ways as there are for fraudsters to poach your identity, there are also many simple steps you can take to help keep them at bay. This workshop helps review your ID protection checklist with simple steps you can start using today to protect your identity. Duration: 20 minutes
  • Fraud Watch Online Romance Scams: Scammers are eager to take advantage of people looking for love and connection online. This presentation will teach you how to spot the warning signs and protect yourself while connecting with others online. Duration: 20 minutes
  • Fraud Watch: Vigilance Against Cybercrime: In today’s fast-paced online environment, protecting your personal information is more crucial than ever. AARP’s workshop: Vigilance Against Cybercrime is designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the digital world safely. We’ll cover how to stay safe in public, at home, when using social media and when shopping and banking. We’ll also look at common scams and how to avoid them. Duration: 30-60 min.


  • Downsizing and Decluttering: Having too much stuff can impede people from relocating or getting health care into their homes. This engaging presentation explores why stuff is so important for some people and teaches practice, easy-to-follow tips on downsizing and decluttering. Duration: 30 minutes
  • HomeFit: Older adults want to remain in their current homes and communities for as long as possible. Yet barely one percent of the nation’s housing supply contains any “universal design” elements — such as single story living or a sink that can be reached from a wheelchair. That’s where AARP HomeFit comes in. Based on the free AARP HomeFit Guide, this presentation can help individuals and families make their current or future residence – or that of a loved one – their “lifelong home.” Duration: 30 minutes
  • Six Pillars of Brain Health: This presentation is designed to empower participants to take charge of their brain health. Participants will learn about practical behaviors to support brain health. Duration: 30 minutes
  • AARP Today: While you might know a lot about what AARP offers, this topic will provide information that may surprise you and help you get more from membership in AARP. Duration: 40 minutes
  • Social Isolation: Social isolation has reached epidemic proportions and has a negative impact on our emotional and physical health. This program is more a workshop than a lecture that: Raise awareness around social isolation and loneliness, transform the way in which community members view social connections, and empower older adults with tools and motivation to help build and maintain strong support networks and meaningful relationships. Attendees will put pen to paper to develop a plan to maintain and expand their social connections to make their lives more full and avoid isolation. Duration: 40 minutes


  • Prepare to Care: This presentation focuses on helping individuals make plans to care for friends, family members or loved ones, using the Prepare to Care guide. Duration: 30 minutes
  • Making Cents of Caregiving: This presentation introduces caregivers to essential information and resources needed to more easily manage some of the financial complexities of caregiving. Duration: 30 minutes
  • Medicare 101: This presentation focuses on building an understanding of the basics of the Medicare program. Duration: 30-40 minutes


  • Public Benefits for Older Adults: This presentation will demonstrate how you or a loved one can help supplement your income and decrease your spending by securing the essentials, eligible benefits, discounts and crucial refunds. We’ll cover the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Affordable Connectivity Program, Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, Medicare Savings Programs and the Medicare Extra Help Plan. You’ll walk away with easy access to resources that you can use to apply for these programs. Duration: 30 minutes
  • Retirement Planning: Retirement planning doesn’t have to be daunting. Learn tips for determining if you are on track and practical strategies to help you achieve retirement peace of mind. Duration: 30 minutes
  • Social Security: Understanding Your Benefits: Do you understand how Social Security works? This presentation focuses on building an understanding of what Social Security is, how to secure your benefits, and the implications of Social Security decisions. Duration: 20 minutes
  • Jump Start Your Job Search: Whether you’re looking for a job or considering a career change, this workshop is designed to help. You’ll learn tips to help you develop your personal brand, grow your network, navigate the modern job search, and update your resume. Duration: 30 minutes
  • Social Security: You Earned it
    Social Security has been a stable and popular program since its inception. But the program faces a long-term financial shortfall. If Congress doesn't take action in the next 10 years to protect Social Security, benefits could be cut. In this presentation, We'll review the most common proposals to ensure that Social Security can pay for the full benefits Americans have earned. Duration: 30 minutes


  • Affordable Home Internet: Having home internet can help you save money, look for a job, connect with others, make everyday tasks easier, and much more! This lecture goes over basic information you need to know when signing up for home internet service. You’ll also learn about the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), a government program that helps qualifying low-income households pay for internet service and connected devices. In some cases, depending on your internet plan, the ACP discount may help you get home internet for free! Duration: 45 min.
  • Digital Coupon Tools: If you like saving money on groceries and everyday items, then this lecture is for you! We'll introduce you to the world of digital couponing and a variety of tools to help you get started. You'll learn about coupon websites, apps, and databases as well as tips for getting the best deals. Duration: 45 min.
  • Google Maps: Visit sites around the world from the comfort of your home, get a bird’s-eye-view of your childhood neighborhood, or simply get directions to your friend’s house! Google Maps is a mapping application that offers satellite imagery, street maps, and street-view perspectives. It also has a route planner for your preferred transportation method, be it foot, car, bicycle or public transportation. During this lecture, you’ll get an introduction to the platform and a demonstration of how to use it. Duration: 45 min.
  • How to Choose a New Computer: Looking for a new computer? This informational session addresses some of the most common questions surrounding how to choose a new computer: Where to start? What’s a reliable brand? How much should you budget? What technical specifications? We will also cover operating systems and compare alternatives to the traditional computer, e.g. tablets and Chromebooks. Duration: 45 min.
  • Introduction to A.I. Curious about A.I.? Want to know more about Chat GPT? This lecture will introduce some of the basic ideas around artificial intelligence. We’ll talk about how A.I. is being used today, what its current limitations are, and how it will shape the future! Duration: 45 min.
  • Introduction to Booking Vacation Stays Online: Do you love to travel but miss the comforts of home when you're away? Thanks to a variety of websites and apps, you can find your perfect home away from home almost anywhere in the world! This lecture introduces popular vacation rental sites, their common features, and how to find great deals. Additionally, you'll learn how to choose your vacation rental wisely and stay safe while traveling. Need to travel on a budget? We’ll also discuss alternatives to rentals, such as online platforms for home exchanges and housesitting! Duration: 45 min.
  • Introduction to Estate Planning Tools & Resources: Estate planning may sound intimidating or something that requires a lot of resources. Creating an estate plan just means making sure that your health, finances, and anything you own is handled according to your wishes. In this case, a simple plan is better than no plan! In this lecture, you’ll get an overview of some common documents found in an estate plan. We’ll also cover some free or low- cost resources and digital tools to help you get started with a simple estate plan. Duration: 45 min.
  • Mobile Health Apps: Did you know that your smartphone is also a powerful health tool? This lecture introduces common health apps, like the iPhone's built-in app and the Google Fit app. You'll learn about using the app's step counter, as well as integrating information from other popular health and fitness apps. You'll also learn the benefits of saving your medical ID. Duration: 45 min.
  • Podcasts at a Glance: Podcasts are an increasingly popular form of entertainment and a great source of information on all kinds of topics. In this lecture, you'll learn more about these audio programs available on the internet: why people listen to them, where you can find them, and what the most popular ones are. Duration: 45 min.
  • Streaming & Smart TVs: Every day, more and more people are “cutting the cord” and canceling their cable subscriptions. Instead, they’re using free or low-cost streaming services like YouTube, Netflix, and Hulu to watch their favorite shows and movies online. This presentation will introduce streaming: what it is, how to use it, and the variety of content available. You’ll also learn how to watch live TV without cable and how smart TVs and streaming devices can let you watch videos from the Internet on your television. Duration: 45 min.
  • Tips for Being News Savvy Online: Sharing the news with others? In the digital age, anyone can publish anything on the internet, even if it's completely false. This lecture will explain the way technology has made it easier to create and spread misinformation. We'll discuss tools to evaluate news sources and review helpful fact-checking sites. You'll learn why it's important to read and check your sources before sharing! Duration: 45 min.
  • Virtual Museum Tours: Tour world famous museums from the comfort of your home! Did you know many of the world's leading museums have been making their collections and exhibits available to view virtually? In this lecture we'll explore some of these virtual galleries, as well as digital tools that help bring art, architecture, and history to life! Duration: 45 min.
  • Getting to Know Your Smartphone: Don't let your smartphone's settings stump you! Learn the basics in this workshop. During this hands-on workshop, we'll explore some of the common features of smartphones. You'll learn ways to interact with the touch screen, how to access important controls, and how to search for specific settings, including securing your phone. We'll also go over useful built-in voice assistant and accessibility features. This workshop will cover both iPhones and Android phones. You'll receive a step-by-step handout covering basic features to take home with you. Duration: 45 min.
  • Getting to Know Your Smartphone Security and Privacy: TBD.Duration: 45 min.

Request a speaker today! If your group is ready for an engaging and motivating discussion from local AARP New Jersey volunteers, please fill out this form.

Interested in Joining the AARP New Jersey Speakers Bureau? Whether you enjoy being in front of an audience, have marketing skills or simply like to help coordinate our speaking engagements behind the scenes, the AARP NJ Speakers Bureau has a spot for you. Consider volunteering today!

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