AARP Eye Center

AARP is fighting to make prescription drugs more affordable for New Jerseyans and all Americans. On March 12 th AARP launched the Stop Rx Greed campaign, a nationwide effort aimed at lowering prescription drug prices. It is unfair that Americans pay the highest prescription drug prices in the world. AARP is calling on the President, Congress and the NJ Legislature to cut drug prices now.
Seniors all over the country are being forced to make tough decisions about affording their prescription drugs. It’s wrong that many seniors must choose between filling a prescription or buying groceries. Below is Lilyan’s story from New Jersey about how the high cost of prescription drugs has affected her:
Make a difference today!
- Sign the petition to urge policymakers to take action to reign in the high cost of prescription drugs in New Jersey and across the country.
- Learn more about AARP's solutions to reduce the cost of prescription drugs.
AARP is urging our Congressional representatives to seek commonsense solutions to lower the high cost of prescription drugs. These common sense solutions include:
- Allowing Medicare to negotiate prescription prices
- Capping out-of-pocket costs for Medicare Part D enrollees
- Improving access to lower-cost generic drugs
Medicare spends more than $129 billion each year on prescription drugs, but is prohibited by law from negotiating lower prices with drug companies. U.S. consumers often pay more than twice as much for the same brand name drugs as patients in similar countries. One in ten Medicare Part D enrollees with high out-of-pocket costs spends at least $5,200 a year on their medicines.
Meanwhile, brand name drug companies are slowing the availability of lower priced versions of their medications by entering into “pay for delay” agreements with generic drug companies. AARP urges Congress to stop these harmful practices by passing the CREATES Act (H.R. 965/S. 340) and (H.R. 1499/S. 64) to ban pay for delay deals.
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