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AARP North Dakota

The most up-to-date news for North Dakotans over 50 is right here
May your 2024 holidays be filled with joy, love and ease.
Join AARP North Dakota for its annual Advocacy Day at the Capitol on Monday, Jan. 20, in Bismarck.
West Fargo's Marlene Batterberry honored for her fraud work across the state.
Get together, get healthier, spot a scam and more with our free, unique and varied events. Join us today!
Enter our sweepstakes and be eligible to win $500 from AARP North Dakota.
Give your time and talent — in person or from home — to improve the lives of older Americans and their families. We are looking for volunteers across North Dakota to make a difference in your community.
In 2020 and 2022 voters 50 and older made up the majority of voters. We break down the demographics.
Results of Vital Voices Survey Will Shape Future Advocacy and Community Efforts
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide services offers tax preparation and filing support to taxpayers over 50 in North Dakota and nationwide
AARP providing exciting community grants. Apply today!
AARP North Dakota has always worked to protect our seniors from fraud. If you have experienced investment fraud, you may be eligible for help from North Dakota's Restitution Assistance Fund.
Looking for property tax relief? In 2023, North Dakota expanded existing programs and added a new property tax credit programs which means you might be eligible for a property tax credit.
Enjoy our holiday video!
Learn how to help AARP ND create positive change for North Dakotans 50 and older.
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Connecting you to what matters most, like neighbors do. Find events, volunteer opportunities and more near you.
About AARP North Dakota
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.