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AARP North Dakota

The most up-to-date news for North Dakotans over 50 is right here
Join AARP ND and Bismarck Burleigh Public Health for a fun, family event at North Central Park in Bismarck.
Seven communities across North Dakota are getting a boost in their work to become more livable for residents of all ages.
AARP North Dakota’s volunteer-led Speakers Bureau is offering four sessions to the public this summer at the AARP North Dakota office.
Get together, get healthier, spot a scam and more with our free, unique and varied events. Join us today!
Learn more about our current work to lessen the rate hike proposed by MDU and past cases where AARP ND has gone to bat for consumers.
AARP ND will be at an event near you this summer. Come see us or better yet volunteer for one of the many activities we've got in the books!
BISMARCK, N.D. – AARP strongly opposes Montana Dakota Utilities (MDU) proposal to increase residential natural gas rates by $35.3 million in 2024. The rate increase request made to the North Dakota Public Service Commission would mean that residential customers will see a 9.84 percent increase in their monthly bill.
Distracted driving is a big issue on our roads. According to the most recent National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) data from 2021, 13% of reported motor-vehicle crashes were the result of distracted driving.
Fighting for property tax relief, lower utility costs and more in 2024
Watch the recording of the April 23 debate between Lt. Governor Tammy Miller and U.S. Representative Kelly Armstrong.
April is National Volunteer Appreciation Month and we couldn't be more grateful to those using their time, expertise, and passion to enrich the lives of older adults in North Dakota.
Criminal scammers use AI to make schemes more realistic than ever.
North Dakota will hold its state primary election on Tuesday, June 11. Races include governor, one U.S. House seat, one U.S. Senate seat and multiple seats in the state legislature.
Enter our sweepstakes and be eligible to win $500 from AARP North Dakota.
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About AARP North Dakota
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.